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Kallmerki, skipsnafn eða staðsetning: Hreinsa       
Það er mögulegt að leita með algildi (*?) eftir forskeyti. T.d.: OH*
APRS hlutur W2951001 - sýna gröf
Leitað að kallmerki: PU2MUS-11
Innslag: Clb=-2.6m/s t=16.3C h=94.1% p=819.9hPa 405.301 MHz Type=RS41-SGP ser=W2951001 Radiosonde
Staðsetning: 23°58.17' S 46°02.59' W - WW Loc. GG66XA47TH - sýna kort
16.1 km Suð-austur Stefna 143° Frá Bertioga, Bertioga, São Paulo, Brazil [?]
21.8 km Austur Stefna 83° Frá Guarujá, Guarujá, São Paulo, Brazil
75.2 km Suð-austur Stefna 139° Frá Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil
76.4 km Suð-austur Stefna 128° Frá São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Síðasta staðsetning: 2024-12-26 14:19:47 UTC (49d 15h38m fyrir)
2024-12-26 11:19:47 -03 Að staðartíma Bertioga, Brazil [?]
Hæð: 1787 m
Stefna: 145°
Hraði: 39 km/h
Síðasti slóði: PU2MUS-11>APRS via TCPIP*,qAC,T2BRAZIL
Geymdar stöður: 130
Others sourced by PU2MUS-11: V3020478 V3020812 V3020814 V3020847 V3020848 V3020851 V3020852 V3020873 V3020997 V3020998 V3021001 V3021509 V3021516 V3021526 V3021549 V3030256 V3030257 V3030735 V3030737 V3031261 V3111835 V3111859 V3510386 V3510396 V3510398 V3510400 V3510406 V3510412 V3510414 V3510442 V3510614 V3510634 V3511048 V3511088 V3520214 V3520767 V3520843 V3520844 V3520858 V3520885 V3520887 V3520898 V3520900 V3530296 V3530373 V3530382 V3530385 V3530386 V3530389 V3530393 V3530395 V3530408 V3530447 V3530977 V3530985 V3530986 V3530987 V3530989 V3530990 V3530993 V3530994 V3530997 V3530998 V3530999 V3531000 V3531002 V3531057 V3540399 V3540778 W2840253 W2840256 W2840257 W2840258 W2840276 W2840346 W2840489 W2840490 W2840492 W2840582 W2840609 W2840619 W2840624 W2840625 W2840626 W2840629 W2840630 W2840632 W2840633 W2840640 W2840690 W2850535 W2850536 W2850537 W2850538 W2850539 W2850543 W2850544 W2850546 W2850547 W2850548 W2850551 W2850617 W2850618 W2850631 W2850632 W2850633 W2850635 W2850636 W2850637 W2850638 W2850639 W2850641 W2850642 W2850644 W2850645 W2850646 W2850647 W2850671 W2850675 W2850676 W2850678 W2930663 W2930740 W2930746 W2930747 W2930748 W2930749 W2930750 W2930764 W2930766 W2930879 W2930900 W2930953 W2930954 W2931097 W2940115 W2940118 W2940119 W2940181 W2940182 W2940184 W2940185 W2940195 W2940196 W2940321 W2940374 W2940375 W2940380 W2940382 W2940383 W2940384 W2940385 W2940386 W2940387 W2940388 W2940390 W2940398 W2940400 W2940401 W2940404 W2940405 W2940406 W2940407 W2940408 W2940571 W2940572 W2940574 W2940590 W2940616 W2940617 W2940709 W2940710 W2940711 W2940713 W2940714 W2940738 W2940739 W2940740 W2940741 W2940742 W2940743 W2940744 W2940745 W2950086 W2950087 W2950090 W2950117 W2950189 W2950190 W2950192 W2950217 W2950218 W2950220 W2950223 W2950224 W2950225 W2950226 W2950227 W2950403 W2950404 W2950406 W2950407 W2950458 W2950459 W2950462 W2950593 W2950594 W2950599 W2950600 W2950674 W2950677 W2950678 W2950698 W2950700 W2950701 W2950702 W2950952 W2950953 W2950955 W2950956 W2950958 W2950959 W2950960 W2950962 W2950963 W2950964 W2950965 W2950966 W2950979 W2950981 W2950982 W2950983 W2950984 W2950985 W2950986 W2950987 W2950989 W2950990 W2950997 W2950998 W2950999 W2951000 W2951054 W2951148 W2951149 W2951150 W2951151 W2951152 W2951159 W2951161 W2951163 W2951165 W2951166 W2951167 W2951168 W2951173 W2951177 W2951181 W2951217 W2951375 W2951376 W2951377 W2951379 W2951380 W2951405 W2951406 W2951407 W2951408 W2951410 W2951411 W2951412 W2951413 W2951414 W2951416 W2951543 W2951571 W2951588 W2951590 W2951591 W2951592 W2951593 W2951594 W2951595 W2951597 W2951598 W2951599 W2951600 W2951604 W2951605 W2951606 W2951607 W2951637
Um þessa síðu
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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